The DataQualityDashboard (DQD) is an R package maintained by the OHDSI community. It performs a set of over 3000 standardised checks on a populated OMOP CDM instance. The goal is to evaluate observational data quality in a systematic and transparent way.

The quality checks are organized according to the Kahn Framework which uses a system of categories and contexts that represent strategies for assessing data quality. DQD contains 24 checks defined within this framework that can be systematically executed against all relevant tables and fields in the OMOP CDM.

Examples of checks executed by DQD are:

  • does the table/field exist, is populated and does it have the right data type (cdmField, cdmDataType, isRequired)
  • does the field follow the standard semantic interoperability (isStandardValidConcept)
  • gender-specific diagnosis/procedure associated with correct person gender (gender)
  • measurement value within extreme ranges (valueLow, valueHigh)

Clair Blacketer, Frank J Defalco, Patrick B Ryan, Peter R Rijnbeek, Increasing trust in real-world evidence through evaluation of observational data quality, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 28, Issue 10, October 2021, Pages 2251–2257,